We are running the Calendar Server on OS X 10.11.x El Capitan.
Server App version 5.1.5.
First thing to do was to reindex the database.
This is my script that does this. I reads a list of the databases and then issues a reindex command to each table:
# Reindex all calendar server databases
# © 2016 kurt hofmann
# Get stat of the calendar server
calStat=`serveradmin status calendar | grep "calendar:calendarState"`
echo "$calStat" | grep "RUNNING" >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
echo "Calendar is running"
echo "Calendar is stopped"
if $CalRunning ; then
echo "Stopping calendar server"
serveradmin stop calendar
# Do the database stuff
export PGDATABASE=caldav
export PGUSER=caldav
# Get list of tables
dbt=`psql -h /var/run/caldavd/PostgresSocket/ << EOF
\d ;
dblist=`echo "$dbt" | cut -d "|" -f 2 | grep "^ " | grep -v "^ "`
# With each database in the list, issue a reindex command
for db in $dblist
echo "Now reindexing table $db"
dbt=`psql -h /var/run/caldavd/PostgresSocket/ << EOF
REINDEX table $db ;
# Restart Calendar server if it was running before we started
if $CalRunning ; then
echo "Starting Calendar"
serveradmin start calendar
exit 0
Second thing to do was to purge all old calendar entries.
I already had a script that did this, but this no longer worked because this can no longer be done for all users in one go.
The command:
now requires a userid.
So, I first need to read the contents of the databases to find the uids of all the users that actually use the calendar. Then I delete the entries older than 365 days on the calendar.
Then we do the same thing with the attachments.
The script goes like this:
# Using hints from myself ;-) :
# These are the commands involved:
#/Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/sbin/calendarserver_purge_events -nv
#/Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/sbin/calendarserver_purge_attachments -nv
#psql -h /var/run/caldavd/PostgresSocket/ --username=caldav
export PGDATABASE=caldav
export PGUSER=caldav
# Get the UIDs of all users
dbt=`psql -h /var/run/caldavd/PostgresSocket/ << EOF
SELECT * FROM calendar_home;
theUsers=`echo "$dbt" | cut -d "|" -f 2 | grep "^ " | grep -v "^ "`
# Purge all old data
for uid in $theUsers
echo $uid
theResult=`/Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/sbin/calendarserver_purge_events -u $uid`
purge_events=`echo "$theResult" | grep "older"`
echo "$purge_events"
/Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/sbin/calendarserver_purge_attachments -u $uid
echo "----"